A resident of Pitaduwa, Weligama, was allegedly subjected to violent arrest and false charges by Midigama Police. Janak Jeevan, a father of two, was with a friend on December 14th last year near his friend’s house when a police three-wheeler and motorcycle approached and stopped them. Fearing arrest due to not having identification, they attempted to flee.
During the arrest, Janak claims:
- Six police officers were present
- They beat him inhumanely with iron rods on his feet and body
- His hands were tied with a wire
- While transporting him in a police three-wheeler, officers threatened him, saying they would file 54 cases and imprison him if he made noise
When presented before the Additional Magistrate on December 15th, he reportedly accepted all charges without mentioning the police assault. On December 19th, he was fined 10,000 rupees after pleading guilty.
Subsequently, he returned to his usual fishing work but was repeatedly hospitalized due to leg injuries from the beating. He claims the injuries were from an accident, but is currently unable to walk.
The incident highlights potential police brutality and abuse of power in the arrest and subsequent treatment of the individual.