Sri Lanka’s Lawyers’ Collective Slams Anti-Terrorism and Online Safety Bills

  In a resounding statement of concern, the Lawyers’ Collective, a prominent legal advocacy group in Sri Lanka, has vehemently condemned the recently gazetted Anti-Terrorism Bill and Online Safety Bill, calling them a threat to democracy and civil liberties in the country. The Anti-Terrorism Bill and Online Safety Bill, which were gazetted in September 2023 by the Sri Lankan government, have come under fire from the legal community for their purportedly excessive executive discretionary powers and lack of transparency in their formulation. The Lawyers’ Collective pointed out that the government…

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Families of Abducted Individuals Demand Justice After 15 Years

Colombo, September 21, 2023 – In a poignant demonstration of resilience and determination, families of 11 individuals who were abducted and disappeared by a Navy team on September 18, 2008, gathered in front of the United Nations office in Tummulla, Colombo today. The event marked the 15th anniversary of this tragic incident, which still haunts their lives. The families, along with concerned citizens and activists, convened at 9:30 am to hold a silent protest, demanding justice for their loved ones. Despite 15 years passing, justice remains elusive, and the alleged…

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Elderly Woman Allegedly Assaulted by Police While Trying to Protect Son-in-law

    Matugama, Sri Lanka – September 10, 2023: In a shocking incident that unfolded on the evening of September 7, 2023, a 65-year-old woman named Kusumavati, residing in Karanpatara Navuttuduwa, Matugama, was allegedly assaulted by police officers while attempting to protect her son-in-law, Asanka Suresh, aged 27, from being taken into custody. According to reports, Asanka Suresh, who works in a nearby tea estate, was on his way home from work when he was apprehended by two police inspectors, Chandima and Sadaruwan, both from the Matugama police force. Asanka…

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Drunk Policeman Assaults Family, Tied Up by Wife and Daughters, Arrested by Colleagues

Arachchikattuwa Police said that a Policeman attached to the Cinnamon Gardens Police Station who had damaged property, assaulted his wife and daughters with a mortar was handed over to Police. It further states that the wife and daughters had tied the hands and feet of the policeman when handing him over to the Police. The Constable attached to Cinnamon Gardens Police station had been on leave and had arrived home drunk and first struck his wife, then his daughter and damaged the property. The woman has stated that because they…

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Alleged Police Assault Triggers Human Rights Complaint in Sri Lanka

In a recent incident that has sparked outrage, a formal complaint has been filed with The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) and the Inspector General of Police (IGP) against the Yakkalamulla Police in Galle district. The complaint centers around the alleged wrongful arrest and assault of a civilian. The victim, identified as Koggala Wellalage Sisira Kumara, resides on Hospital Road, Aluthwatta, Nakiyadeniya, in Galle. The incident took place on May 9th at around 09:00 to 09:30 p.m. Kumara had visited Dimuthu pharmacy at Yakkalamulla Junction to purchase medicine.…

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Tragic Demise of Thilina Dhananjaya Sparks Questions About Custodial Deaths and Police Procedures

A heart-wrenching incident has come to light involving the unfortunate demise of Thilina Dhananjaya, a young man from Dehiowita, under circumstances that have raised concerns about custodial deaths and police procedures. The incident that transpired on December 3, 2022, has left the community in shock and demanding answers from authorities. Thilina Dhananjaya embarked on a seemingly routine errand to acquire medicine for his mother on December 3, 2022. After administering the medication, he informed his mother that he intended to meet a friend. However, his family’s world was turned upside…

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Twists of Justice: Acquittal and Reduced Sentences in Kandaketiya Sadun Malinga Murder Case

The life of a seemingly insignificant 17-year-old youth named Sandun Malinga from Meegaskiwula in the Badulla District took a tragic turn. His value as a person appeared to hold little weight to the group of five police officers and a civil defense officer who subjected him to a fatal beating on a dark night in May 2014. However, a rare instance of justice prevailed when the six officers from Kandeketiya Police station, responsible for assaulting Sandun and four others, were held accountable and sentenced to death by the Badulla High…

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Empowering Survivors: Insights and Perspectives in the Rehabilitation of Torture Survivors – A Special Issue of the Torture Journal

The Torture Journal is a distinguished publication that delves into the multifaceted field of survivor engagement and rehabilitation in the context of torture survivors. This latest issue serves as a platform for diverse voices and perspectives, featuring a collection of insightful contributions from experts, practitioners, and individuals directly impacted by torture and ill-treatment. Opening with an editorial by Pau Pérez-Sales, the journal sets the stage by tracing the historical roots of survivor engagement, particularly in regions of the Global South. The ensuing special section on Survivor Engagement in the Rehabilitation…

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Sri Lanka: The Arrest of Tharindu Uduwaragedera – Larger questions

By  Basil Fernando. On the larger questions raised by the arrest of Tharindu Uduwaragedera, a young journalist of very wide reputation. Tharindu Uduwaragedera who was attending a meeting on Friday (28 July) for the purpose of reporting on the meeting was forcibly dragged out of a three-wheeler, grabbed by his hair and roughly manhandled by a group of Police officers despite the journalist loudly explaining that he was merely present to report on the protest meeting that was taking place. In fact, he was seated in a three-wheeler, from where he was dragged…

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HRCSL to summon parties involved in assault and arrest of Journalist Tharindu Uduwaragedara

The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka will launch an investigation into the assault and arrest of Executive Committee Member of the Young Journalists’ Association Tharindu Uduwaragedara. In a statement, the HRCSL says that the Rapid Response Team of the Commission visited the Borella Police station and inquired about the condition of Tharindu Uduwaragedara. The HRCSL will call for reports from the relevant parties alleged to have been connected to the incident, and summon all the concerned individuals for an inquiry. Executive Committee Member of the Young Journalists’ Association Tharindu…

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