Are you abusing children in a modern way?

Date – 2021 / February Location – Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital Ward 63 Baby Name: XX Age of child: 10 years Disease – Chronic abdominal pain Date – 2021 / March Location – Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital Ward 63 Baby Name: YY Age of child: 9 years 7 months Disease: Sudden knee pain The two patients I wrote about above are two very nice, wonderful kids. The first girl comes to us with her mother. Complaining of a chronic stomach ache… After months of testing, she was unable to diagnose any urinary…

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250 artists demand immediate arrest of Mahinda Rajapaksa, Johnston Fernando and other members of government for the attack on GGG

250 artists demand immediate arrest of Mahinda Rajapaksa, Johnston Fernando and other members of government for the attack on GGG

STATEMENT ON THE EVENTS OF 9TH MAY 2022 On the morning of 9th May 2022, pro-government mobs, transported to Colombo in busses, brutally assaulted peaceful protestors outside Temple Trees and in GotaGoGama, Galle Face. We condemn, in the strongest possible terms, this attack by mobs wielding wooden poles and steel rods, on unarmed protesters, where tents were burned, property destroyed and civilians intimidated and beaten. It is now clear that the mobs were brought to the official residence of the then-Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa; and that their assault originated from…

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BASL calls for the introduction of the 21st Amendment & a national unity govt

BASL calls for the introduction of the 21st Amendment & a national unity govt

At a special meeting of the Bar Council to discuss the BASL proposals to restore economic and political stability in Sri Lanka, thirteen proposals were approved unanimously by the Bar Council consisting of representatives of the branches from throughout Sri Lanka. The proposals include: The Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) (23) issued a release highlighting a number of proposals to restore political and economic stability in the country. 1. Passing of the 21st amendment repealing the 20th amendment. The 21st amendment should improve on the 19th amendment. It will…

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SLCAT Condemns Police Brutality in Rambukkana

SLCAT Condemns Police Brutality in Rambukkana

Sri Lanka Collective against Torture (SLCAT) condemns the violence by the Sri Lanka Police on 19th April 2022 at Rambukkana, Kegalle in the Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka. Police officials are alleged to have used violence, including beating with batons, and firing live ammunition repeatedly at people fleeing. These actions are alleged to have caused grave injuries to civilians agitating against government actions particularly the hike in fuel prices and bystanders. Reports have been received of at least one confirmed death and over 12 citizens injured with two in critical…

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Open Letter to the Protesters – Prof. Indrawansa de Silva

Open Letter to the Protesters

Congratulations, you made history! And you won an early battle. You made history because there hasn’t been a mass protest like yours in recent Sri Lankan history. It is also historical because your protest is not organized by a political party, a charismatic leader or an identified entity, although, as you know by now, many parties, individuals and wizards behind virtual curtains are claiming at least the partial, if not entire, ownership of it. As the saying goes, success has many fathers and failure is an orphan. If, heaven forbid,…

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protect the right to report, protest and speak.

STATEMENT ON ARRESTS, DETENTION AND TORTURE OF PERSONS AT THE MIRIHINA PUBLIC PROTEST ON 31st  MARCH 2022 The Sri Lanka Collective Against Torture (SLCAT) condemns the arrests, detention and torture of protestors and by-standers at the public protest at Mirihana, Nugegoda on the night of 31st March 2022. These persons had gathered to exercise their basic civic right to highlight the devastating impact of the economic crisis which has led to island wide power outages and a fuel shortage which has impacted essential services and the supplies of food and…

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SRI LANKA: Suspend PTA immediately – UN Experts tells GOSL

By Basil Fernando The Sri Lankan delegation to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) suffered a great setback when its promise to amend the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act, No. 48 of 1979 as amended (PTA) was responded to by the 16 UN special experts calling on the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) to suspend the PTA altogether and immediately. The experts said, after the suspension, the Government could suitably enact anti terrorism law which is in keeping with international law. Thus, the usual trick employed by Sri…

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contempt of court and legal framework

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is a regional human rights organization. The organization seriously monitored and studied the law on contempt of court and its application in Sri Lanka. The AHRC is deeply concerned about the violation of Sri Lankan Constitution, which is in line with international law, by depriving the accused of the protection of the law. The AHRC pays special attention to the interpretation of international law as well as the Constitution of Sri Lanka by Article 105 (3) of the Constitution of Sri Lanka. The logic…

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Is the Prevention of Terrorism Act Enough to Solve Problems ???

PTA Amendment

Human rights lawyer Armisa Tiegel has issued a statement on the failure to introduce the Prevention of Terrorism Amendment Bill. By Ermiza Tegal The Prevention of Terrorism Act of 1979 (PTA) is a draconian piece of legislation that is responsible for the extensive erosion of civil liberties of the people of Sri Lanka. Harm has been caused to persons directly affected by its provisions, as well as specific communities who have been targeted by the PTA. Moreover, it has undermined the safeguards of security and liberty of all Sri Lankans.…

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Civil society groups have condemned the Foreign Ministry’s response to Ambika

Civil society groups have condemned the Foreign Ministry’s response to Ambika

160 civil society activists and 47 organizations issued a statement of solidarity condemning the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ response to former commissioner of the Human Rights Commission Ms. Ambika Satkunanthan. Full publication On 27 January 2022 the government of Sri Lanka gazetted the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) (Amendment) Bill. We the undersigned express our deep disappointment that the proposed amendments do not address any of the shortcomings in the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) that enable grave human rights violations. We highlight that the PTA has been historically used…

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