End of an Era

This is not an issue which has received adequate attention. Yet, I am of the view that one era of the history of Sri Lanka which commenced since independence in 1948 has come to an end in 2020.It simply means that the State and its associated socio- political system that was bequeathed to us by the British when Sri Lanka was granted independence by ending the long colonial rule, has completely collapsed and ceased to exist. Our limitations Although there may have been shortcomings in the system that we inherited…

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Proposed Constitution will enhance existing lawlessness

Why is there a need for a constitutional change? Is it to make the already bad situation worse? Or is it to undo, the state of disorder brought about by the 1978 constitution. Judging by the passing of the 20th Amendment to the constitution, it is clear that the proposed constitution is not for changing the course of the 1978 constitution. It is in fact an attempt to make things even worse from the point of the view of the governance and law and order. It will improve upon the…

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Abduction and demands for ransom by some officers of Kuda oya Police Station

Two young men named Wicramage Shanaka Chathuranga and Wicramage Eishan Chintaka Lakamal both from Ambilipitiye were abducted under suspicion of the theft of four buffaloes. At the police station, they were severely tortured. According to the family, the family members were denied access to the suspects and the police denied having abducted or taken them into custody. Later, on information received by the family, they inquired from the Kuda oya Police and heard the both suspects shouting “Buddhu sir please do not torture us”. Then, one of the officers according to…

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Murder at Pugoda Police Station- OIC has not yet been arrested

n October 11, a young man Gayan Pushpkumar, 21, was arrested by the officers of the Pugoda Police Station on mistaken identity. Initially, he was suspected of having robbed some money. However, later, the money had been found in the very house the money was supposed to be stolen from. In between the suspicion and the actual discovery that the arrested suspect had nothing to do with the alleged crime, the suspect was hit and kicked on his belly by the Officer In Charge of the Pugoda Police Station, the…

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Statement on The 20th Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka

We, the undersigned organisations, are deeply concerned about the impact the Sri Lanka 20th Constitutional Amendment Bill (the ‘Amendment Bill’) issued on 2 September 2020 would have on the independence and impartiality of the judiciary, if adopted. Of particular concern are the amendments proposed relating to the Judiciary and to the Judicial Services Commission. The adherence to the Commonwealth (Latimer House) Principles on the Accountability of and Relationship between the Three Arms of government (The Principles) and to the Commonwealth Charter was specifically affirmed by the Governmentof Sri Lanka. Principle…

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Urging the Sri Lankan authorities to support the Supreme Court’s Direction to educate Law- Enforcement System personnel, on the law elimination of and the use of torture

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is bringing to your notice the Supreme Court’s Direction to educate Law- Enforcement System personnel, on the law elimination of and the use of torture. CASE NARRATIVE: In delivering the Judgement on a Fundamental Rights Violation case, under Article 126 of the Constitution, the Court found the respondent Police Officers had violated the rights of the petitioner, guaranteed under Article 11 (the right against torture). They also had violated his rights against illegal arrest and detention. In their Judgement, the three-bench Court issued this…

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Illegal arrest, detention and torture of an autistic child allegedly by some police officers acting under the direction of the OIC of Aluthgama Police Station

The complainant is a 55-year-old single father, and sole caregiver to a son aged 16 years diagnosed as autistic. He works for a small grocery store and earns his wage on a daily basis. He lives alone with his son in a house for rent in Dharga Town. He makes this appeal as the guardian and on behalf of a minor who also is also diagnosed as autistic. Thariq is unable to speak and articulate his needs, and/or describe events with the use of language. On or about 25th of…

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Case of alleged torture, illegal arrest and detention of Liyanage Pasindu Yasantha Perera by some officers of Kalutara District Crime Division

CASE NARRATIVE: On the morning of 18th May 2020, Police officers attached to the Kalutara District Crime Division of the Kalutara Police arrested the complainant. From the time of arrest until the complainant was brought to the Kalutara District Crime Division he was beaten by the police officers. The police officers tied the complainant’s hands together and then wrapped his hands and his whole body with a heavy metal chain. The complainant was then hung by his feet from a top plank of a bunk bed to which a pulley…

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What Is The Value Of The Life Of Sunil Jayawardene?

Sunil Jayawardene was a representative for three-wheele drivers. He who went to make a representation to a finance company on behalf of one of the vehicle owners, whose three-wheeler had been taken by agents of that company. Sunil was assaulted by eight or more people in front of the company and murdered. This story is quite well known and being talked about in the country at the moment. The whole amount related to the dispute in this incident is about Rs 35,000. Due to the situation of the coronavirus and…

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E-Version of the Social Justice Magazine

We are forwarding herewith the e-version of the social justice magazine published by the Centre for Society and Religion – Sri Lanka. Click here to read the full version of the magazine. Social justice magazine is a long-standing regular publication which has covered many issues relating to the improvement of the conditions of the people, particularly the conditions of the poor. The present issue is based on the theme of People Building. This issue is looked at from various angles by the number of writers. These articles will be of interest to…

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