In a shocking turn of events, Ranawila Arachchilage Shanaka Chaminda, a 33-year-old resident of Hokandara, has come forward with allegations of severe police brutality and coercion during his recent arrest by the Malabe police. According to Shanaka Chaminda, his ordeal began when his brother-in-law, Lasantha Madhushanka, was released from prison after serving time on drug charges. Lasantha Madhushanka, after his release, found himself back behind bars without any charges laid against him for an entire year. This incident led Lasantha Madhushanka to file a complaint with the Human Rights Commission.…
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Long-Awaited Verdict Handed Down 31 Years After Murder in Sri Lanka
In a case that has spanned over three decades, justice was finally served on October 10, 2023, as the Kalutara High Court Judge Pradeep Abeyratne pronounced the verdict for a heinous murder that occurred on January 15, 1992. The victim, Dhanapala Fernando, a resident of Pahe Kanuwa, Meagamwatta area of Dharga town, was brutally attacked with sticks and killed in Navuttuduwa, Keeranthidiya area. The trial, which had been pending under the Magistrates of Matugama Magistrate’s Court and passed through the hands of several High Court Judges of Kalutara High Court,…
Read MoreFormer Surgeon Found Guilty of Injuring Nurse in Kurunegala Teaching Hospital Operating Theater
In a recent ruling, Chief Magistrate and Additional District Judge Mr. Bandula Gunaratne found former surgeon Ashoka Wijemann guilty of injuring a nurse with scissors in the operating theater of Kurunegala Teaching Hospital. The incident, which occurred around March 12, 2019, led to a case filed under Section 314 of the Ceylon Penal Code at the Chief Magistrate’s Court. Chief Magistrate Bandula Gunaratne emphasized that surgeons should not act out of anger and must uphold discipline and restraint in their duties. He also informed the plaintiff nurse, Mrs.…
Read MoreLegal Aid Clinics Offered by Bar Association of Sri Lanka During National Law Week 2023
In celebration of National Law Week 2023, the Bar Association of Sri Lanka is extending a helping hand to those in need of legal assistance. The association will be hosting legal aid clinics on multiple dates and locations, ensuring accessibility to justice for all. On 28th and 29th September, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, the legal aid clinic will be open at the Hulftsdorp Courts Complex in Colombo. This two-day event is an excellent opportunity for individuals seeking legal guidance and support. Furthermore, on Saturday, 30th September, a legal aid clinic will…
Read MoreLittle Substantive Change in New Anti-Terrorism Bill Despite Criticisms
In a recent analysis of the Anti-Terrorism Bill (ATA) gazetted in September 2023, attorney-at-law Ermiza Tegal highlighted that there are minimal substantive differences between this version and the earlier one from March 2023. Tegal’s examination reveals that the core contentious features of the March 2023 ATA remain intact in the September 2023 ATA. The key concerns with the legislation include: A broad definition of terrorism that could potentially target dissent, expression, assembly, and association. Extensive powers granted to the police, armed forces, and coast guard, allowing them to arrest, search,…
Read MoreSri Lanka’s Lawyers’ Collective Slams Anti-Terrorism and Online Safety Bills
In a resounding statement of concern, the Lawyers’ Collective, a prominent legal advocacy group in Sri Lanka, has vehemently condemned the recently gazetted Anti-Terrorism Bill and Online Safety Bill, calling them a threat to democracy and civil liberties in the country. The Anti-Terrorism Bill and Online Safety Bill, which were gazetted in September 2023 by the Sri Lankan government, have come under fire from the legal community for their purportedly excessive executive discretionary powers and lack of transparency in their formulation. The Lawyers’ Collective pointed out that the government…
Read MoreFamilies of Abducted Individuals Demand Justice After 15 Years
Colombo, September 21, 2023 – In a poignant demonstration of resilience and determination, families of 11 individuals who were abducted and disappeared by a Navy team on September 18, 2008, gathered in front of the United Nations office in Tummulla, Colombo today. The event marked the 15th anniversary of this tragic incident, which still haunts their lives. The families, along with concerned citizens and activists, convened at 9:30 am to hold a silent protest, demanding justice for their loved ones. Despite 15 years passing, justice remains elusive, and the alleged…
Read MoreElderly Woman Allegedly Assaulted by Police While Trying to Protect Son-in-law
Matugama, Sri Lanka – September 10, 2023: In a shocking incident that unfolded on the evening of September 7, 2023, a 65-year-old woman named Kusumavati, residing in Karanpatara Navuttuduwa, Matugama, was allegedly assaulted by police officers while attempting to protect her son-in-law, Asanka Suresh, aged 27, from being taken into custody. According to reports, Asanka Suresh, who works in a nearby tea estate, was on his way home from work when he was apprehended by two police inspectors, Chandima and Sadaruwan, both from the Matugama police force. Asanka…
Read MoreDrunk Policeman Assaults Family, Tied Up by Wife and Daughters, Arrested by Colleagues
Arachchikattuwa Police said that a Policeman attached to the Cinnamon Gardens Police Station who had damaged property, assaulted his wife and daughters with a mortar was handed over to Police. It further states that the wife and daughters had tied the hands and feet of the policeman when handing him over to the Police. The Constable attached to Cinnamon Gardens Police station had been on leave and had arrived home drunk and first struck his wife, then his daughter and damaged the property. The woman has stated that because they…
Read MoreAlleged Police Assault Triggers Human Rights Complaint in Sri Lanka
In a recent incident that has sparked outrage, a formal complaint has been filed with The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) and the Inspector General of Police (IGP) against the Yakkalamulla Police in Galle district. The complaint centers around the alleged wrongful arrest and assault of a civilian. The victim, identified as Koggala Wellalage Sisira Kumara, resides on Hospital Road, Aluthwatta, Nakiyadeniya, in Galle. The incident took place on May 9th at around 09:00 to 09:30 p.m. Kumara had visited Dimuthu pharmacy at Yakkalamulla Junction to purchase medicine.…
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